In Life Management, Managing Priorities

Did you know that it takes five years for a bamboo plant to grow into a mature plant? Once you’ve planted the seed, you must water it regularly or it will die. But there is no sign of a plant for at least four years. Once the seedling breaks ground, it can grow as much as 36 inches per day. That’s three inches per hour! You can literally watch a bamboo plant grow before your eyes.

Impossible to Destroy!

A friend once shared an interesting story about a home his parents purchased with a huge bamboo tree in the yard. They did not want the bamboo, so they cut it down. It grew back very fast. They cut it down to ground level again and poured cement over it. The bamboo tree grew back again, cutting its way through the cement. Nothing could destroy it! The root system was so extensive that they could not dig it up, either.

Humans are like bamboo.

We are born with invisible seeds of greatness inside of us, endowed with a combination of unique gifts, strengths, and talents. Some of us are born into less-than-ideal circumstances, and some of us are born into a more privileged life. Regardless of economic realities, each of us has the ability to focus on the endless possibilities available when we tap into our own unique seeds of greatness.

In order for your seeds of greatness to harvest, you must consistently tend to them. If you neglect the God-given seeds you were born with, they will eventually die. Sometimes it takes years before you enjoy the fruits of your labor. Once the seeds have been nurtured over several years, they will blossom into something that is nearly impossible to destroy.

You were born with a clean slate. Over time you were given messages. If you grew up in a nurturing environment, you were told that you could do anything. However, if you were like much of the population, you were told what you could NOT do. You may have even been ridiculed for watering your seeds of greatness that nobody else could see.

Tips for Success

Success requires you to reverse the negative messages. 

Most people have been brainwashed with negative messages for many years. The messages we feed our brain are incredibly powerful. Because we are surrounded by negativity in the world (just listen to the news or read a newspaper!), we must flush out all the garbage that we have allowed to enter our minds and replace it with positive and uplifting thoughts that encourage us. The word “encourage” literally means to make strong with your heart or put into the heart (what’s in your mind or thoughts).


Success requires discipline and persistence.

If you look at Olympic champions, they have spent many years taking daily focused and committed action…whether they felt like it or not. They have an ability to visualize what they want before it actually happens, which keeps them ultra-focused on their goal. Successful people simply show up and do what unsuccessful people won’t do…or at least won’t do consistently.


Success requires you to overcome obstacles.

You’ve got to be willing to get out of your comfort zone. That’s part of the growth and personal development path that is required in order for you to harvest your seeds of greatness. Although the process is not easy, it simply requires you to take daily actions that bring you closer to achieving your goals.


Success requires you to invest time.

There are no shortcuts. You cannot plant a seed today and expect a harvest tomorrow. Most people want instant results with minimal effort, and they quit before the harvest. They also become the naysayers who will tell you that what you want to achieve will never happen. One thing is for sure—if you quit, they’re right!


Success requires patience and faith.

During the long years when there are no visible results, the bamboo tree is developing a mature and long-reaching root system that will eventually sustain and nurture its explosive growth. This extensive network of roots takes four years to develop before the tender bamboo shoot ever breaks ground. Then it can grow up to 90 feet in just 30 days.

The Bible tells a story about a man who went in a field to plant some seeds. As the man scattered the seeds, some fell on a footpath and the birds ate the seeds. Some fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly, but because the roots could not grow deep, the plants wilted under the sun and eventually died. Other seeds fell among some thorns, which crowded out the tender plants so they did not produce grain. Only a small portion of the seeds fell on fertile soil, and they sprouted and grew to produce a crop that yielded many times more than had been planted. This story reminds me of a popular song from my youth, called All Good Gifts, from the 1973 musical Godspell.

Are you surrounded by thorns that are choking out what your heart desires and what you were put on this earth to do, or are you planting your seeds in fertile soil where your dreams can flourish?

If you are thinking “I can’t” thoughts, it’s time to shift your thinking to “I can.” You are the only one who can choose your thoughts, and your thoughts will either obstruct or fertilize whatever you have planted.

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”
–Robert Schuller

What seeds of greatness do you have to plant and nurture? Does your mind provide the fertile soil where your dreams can take root?

If you’d like a fresh perspective—someone to help you plant your seeds of greatness in fertile soil—let’s schedule a no-cost, no-pressure Discovery Call today.  Together we’ll explore ways you can align your vision, priorities, and actions so they take root.

Additional Resources:

Life Architect – Creating Blueprints for Purposeful & Productive Lives

Showing 4 comments
  • Joe Farinacci

    Hi Kathy—just wanted to let you know that I loved this article. It really hit home. ?

    For me what hit home was “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” I have to want something more than anything else.

    Also with consistency and persistence I can accomplish much. And if you truly believe you can achieve.

  • Kathy Paauw

    Thank you, Joe. You have the right mindset to achieve much, taking full responsibility for your own life, choices, and actions.

  • Sheida

    Dear Kathy I just finished reading your useful and very helpful blog…You are giving great tips…And I will read it over and over again….Thank you very much…..As always your blog is providing me with lots of thoughts and ideas….

  • Kathy Paauw

    Thank you, Sheida. Glad to know this is helpful to you. Reading this blog several times will help you solidify the ideas. The next step is to put the five tips into practice so you reap the rewards of your learning! 🙂

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