Virtual Organizing
Virtual Organizing
Would you like to:
- Save time, save money and reduce stress?
- Be focused and productive at work, and fully present with your family at home?
- Be known as someone who encourages and appreciates others?
I help individuals organize their life, manage their time, and stay connected with the most important people in their life…and I do this work by phone.
Curious how this works? Keep reading!
I was one of the first organizing consultants to begin working with clients virtually–something I started doing years ago, based on client needs that I observed over time. Here’s the back story…
When I started my business in 1995, I’d go to people’s homes and offices to help them get organized. We scheduled several working sessions that typically lasted 3-4 hours each.
Sometimes I’d travel across the country to work with a client, and we’d work together all day — often into the evening — for several days. Pictured here are before-and-after photos (shared with permission) of a client’s east coast office after one such multiple-day working marathon. I live on the west coast, so this required expensive cross-country travel.
New Discoveries
By my second year in business, I discovered that some of my clients were not maintaining the systems we had previously set up together. Several of them hired me to come back and work with them again. At this point, I realized that in addition to needing good systems in place to keep things organized, my clients also needed to change some behaviors and habits if they wanted to enjoy lasting results. They needed support over time to make new habits stick.
This is also when I was introduced to the field of coaching, which was a newly-emerging profession back in the mid-90s. Prior to this, the only coaches I’d ever heard of blew a whistle in your ear and made you do push-ups!
I was excited to learn about the value that coaching could bring to my existing work, and I registered to take some courses at the Academy for Coach Training. I completed my coursework in 1999 and became a certified coach.
Since coaches do their work by phone, geographic location became irrelevant. My clients were scattered all over North America. Over time, I learned that several clients I was coaching also needed help getting organized. I started teaching them how to set up organizing systems and simple processes while we were connected by phone and Internet —without the need for me to travel across the country. This is how my virtual consulting services began.
At first, my colleagues said that nobody could help someone get organized without working with them face-to-face. Then they saw testimonials from my happy clients I’d worked with virtually, and they wanted to learn how to do what I was doing. In 2007, I started offering a virtual online workshop series to my colleagues, called Virtually There: Developing a Thriving & Profitable Organizing Business. I still offer this virtual self-paced course today.
By 2003 I was doing all of my work virtually, combining my skills as a coach and an organizing consultant.
In 2005 I was introduced to a simple system of kindness that keeps you connected with important people in your life. I teach clients an easy way to begin each day with gratitude. As a result, huge positive shifts happen over time. To learn how expressing gratitude transformed my life, click here.
Today I call myself a Life Architect—a title that embodies the combination of my work as a coach and a consultant. Assisting clients all over the globe, I work to help people identify the “why” of their life, and then help them couple that with the “how” to create systems and structures to support that “why.” Yes, it’s organizing – but it’s much more than teaching someone how to clean up their desk.
By combining these two professions, I’m able to help my clients design unique “blueprints” that enable them to live more purposefully and productively, at home and at work. Once systems and processes are set up, the coaching provides support and accountability as new habits are formed.
Would you like to:
- Save time, save money and reduce stress?
- Be focused and productive at work, and fully present with your family at home?
- Be known as someone who encourages and appreciates others?
I help individuals organize their life, manage their time, and stay connected with the most important people in their life…and I do this work by phone.
Curious how this works? Keep reading!
I was one of the first organizing consultants to begin working with clients virtually–something I started doing years ago, based on client needs that I observed over time. Here’s the back story…
When I started my business in 1995, I’d go to people’s homes and offices to help them get organized. We scheduled several working sessions that typically lasted 3-4 hours each.
Sometimes I’d travel across the country to work with a client, and we’d work together all day — often into the evening — for several days. Pictured here are before-and-after photos (shared with permission) of a client’s east coast office after one such multiple-day working marathon. I live on the west coast, so this required expensive cross-country travel.
New Discoveries
By my second year in business, I discovered that some of my clients were not maintaining the systems we had previously set up together. Several of them hired me to come back and work with them again. At this point, I realized that in addition to needing good systems in place to keep things organized, my clients also needed to change some behaviors and habits if they wanted to enjoy lasting results. They needed support over time to make new habits stick.
This is also when I was introduced to the field of coaching, which was a newly-emerging profession back in the mid-90s. Prior to this, the only coaches I’d ever heard of blew a whistle in your ear and made you do push-ups!
I was excited to learn about the value that coaching could bring to my existing work, and I registered to take some courses at the Academy for Coach Training. I completed my coursework in 1999 and became a certified coach.
Since coaches do their work by phone, geographic location became irrelevant. My clients were scattered all over North America. Over time, I learned that several clients I was coaching also needed help getting organized. I started teaching them how to set up organizing systems and simple processes while we were connected by phone and Internet —without the need for me to travel across the country. This is how my virtual consulting services began.
At first, my colleagues said that nobody could help someone get organized without working with them face-to-face. Then they saw testimonials from my happy clients I’d worked with virtually, and they wanted to learn how to do what I was doing. In 2007, I started offering a virtual online workshop series to my colleagues, called Virtually There: Developing a Thriving & Profitable Organizing Business. I still offer this virtual self-paced course today.
By 2003 I was doing all of my work virtually, combining my skills as a coach and an organizing consultant.
In 2005 I was introduced to a simple system of kindness that keeps you connected with important people in your life. I teach clients an easy way to begin each day with gratitude. As a result, huge positive shifts happen over time. To learn how expressing gratitude transformed my life, click here.
Today I call myself a Life Architect—a title that embodies the combination of my work as a coach and a consultant. Assisting clients all over the globe, I work to help people identify the “why” of their life, and then help them couple that with the “how” to create systems and structures to support that “why.” Yes, it’s organizing – but it’s much more than teaching someone how to clean up their desk.
By combining these two professions, I’m able to help my clients design unique “blueprints” that enable them to live more purposefully and productively, at home and at work. Once systems and processes are set up, the coaching provides support and accountability as new habits are formed.
Did you notice the nine leaves on the “tree” of my logo?
These represent the nine “environments” of your life. Neglect one or more areas, and the others shift out of balance. But remarkable “coincidences” occur when all your environments are in harmony. Life is joyful, and you’ll find that you attract what you desire with much greater ease when all nine areas of your life receive the attention they need.
I am passionate about empowering and equipping you to live the life of freedom and fulfillment you desire — to give you the internal and external tools to organize your entire life — so your environment and lifestyle reflect your values and passions.
Are you ready to align your life choices with your values, passions, and desire to serve others for the greater good? Are you a creative artist or entrepreneur who has a passion for what you do but cannot “get your act together” with supportive systems and structures in place to help you manage day-to-day life? I work with clients virtually to make this happen!
The next step is to create your own unique blueprint so you can live a purpose-driven and productive life.

Let’s get started!
Want to learn more? Here’s the process:
- Complete one or more of my No-Cost Assessments to better understand your sticking points with personal and business organization, life balance, and mindset. This will help you clarify what has shifted out of balance and could use some TLC. After you share your confidential responses, you’ll receive an easy-to-understand “score” to help you interpret the results.
- Schedule a No-Cost, No-Pressure Discovery Call with me. We’ll talk for 30 minutes on the phone (or Skype if you are outside the USA) about your vision for your ultimate business and personal life. We’ll also uncover the challenges that can sabotage your success, and next steps to move you forward.
- Decide the kind of support you want as you move from where you are to where you want to be. During our call, I’ll propose some options for working together, or if I am not the right person to meet your needs, I’ll suggest other resources to help you create your blueprint and accomplish your goals.
Of course, you may decide that our discovery call meets your needs for now. If that’s the case, I’ll deliver on my promise — no pressure or obligation to work together.
But if you’re like many of my clients who are tired of struggling, tired of feeling unfulfilled, tired of feeling overwhelmed and 100% ready for a better life, I’m betting you’ll decide you’d like my help.
Does this sound like you? If so, let’s start optimizing your life! I’m here to help you design your custom blueprint for success and we can begin working together soon.
It’s decision time!
What do you want to do today?
Let’s schedule a no-cost, no-pressure
Discovery Call today!
“I’ve gained the knowledge I needed to move my business forward.
Your combined skills as a professional organizer and a personal and business coach have helped me build my organizing business. You’ve provided me with needed encouragement and support, and I’ve gained the knowledge I needed to move my business forward.” -
“I am already seeing how much this is going to increase the efficiency of this office, free me up, and provide a foundation for GROWTH of our company.
Kathy Paauw spent a day with me last week and we installed an organizing program called the “Paper Tiger.” It is awesome. It’s a management system that tracks all our files and archives, and I am already seeing how much this is going to increase the efficiency of this office, free me up, and provide a foundation for GROWTH of our company. I am so happy! Today I handled a couple of quick filing actions and it was so EASY!! I found the files immediately – no browsing through the drawer trying to locate the file. It feels great!”
Meet more Happy Clients and hear about their experiences working with me.
Let me help you clear the clutter from your schedule, space and mind so you can:
- Stay focused on what’s most important, at home and at work.
- Find anything you file or store within 5 seconds.
- Eliminate thoughts, activities, relationships, and things in your environment that do not enhance your work or personal life.
- Remember important follow-up at the right time.
- Enjoy a life of purpose, passion, and fun!
Professional Organizers & Productivity Consultants:
Are you seeking mentoring and training on how to leverage your business growth without having to work more hours?
Do you have a desire to assist your clients without leaving your home or office?
Click here to learn more about my virtual program, created just for you!
Managing Priorities:
Tools & Tips to Help You Overcome Overwhelm and Keep First Things First!
Buried in Paper?
Get Organized for Maximum Productivity