(shared with permission)
Kathy, I thank God for you. I got your Bundle of Guides over the weekend and have been soaking up so much of your wisdom. You are truly a blessing to ever so many. I’ve had a tough time with total lack of motivation and have felt so overwhelmed by my world. Your Guides are giving me a new outlook, and I feel like I’m coming alive once again. Thank you for all you do. God’s blessings!
Char Martin, Travel Specialist

Organize Your Home: A road map to getting your home in order in just 30 days!
Are you sick and tired of looking at the mess around you at home? It seems to grow faster than you can clean it up! If you’re like most people, you are busy and often too tired to do the things you KNOW need to be done after a long day of doing whatever you do. This 33-page guide provides a road map to help you get your home organized – room by room – in just 30 days.

Staying Organized in the Age of Distractions
We have never been so productive, so busy and at the same time so distracted. Throughout history there have always been issues that have prevented us from doing what we set out to do. But it’s never been as challenging as it is today. Technology has its benefits and rewards, and it also has its drawbacks. This 12-page guide will help you gain clarity about your priorities and create a plan of action so you can feel much more organized and in control of your life.

Your Guide to Preparing for Disaster -- FREE
Regardless of where you live, chances are that sooner or later you’ll face some sort of a disaster that will leave you without power, water, or access to buy more. It could be a natural disaster like a hurricane, snow storm, flood, tornado, or earthquake. Or it could be a man-made disaster that has the power grid failing or requires you to stay put in your home for several days or even weeks. This 14-page guide will help you prepare for whatever disasters are most likely to occur where you live.

7 Strategies to Overcome Overwhelm – FREE E-Book
Small business owners, entrepreneurs and independent professionals have more choices today than ever before. Unfortunately, all these choices can contribute to your life feeling cluttered and overwhelming. I’ll share seven strategies to help you be more effective & productive. You’ll be able to apply these strategies to your life immediately, and the results will amaze you!
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Dealing with Procrastination
There are many reasons people procrastinate. It could be due to perfectionism, overwhelm, or problems prioritizing. The key to overcoming procrastination is learning what your procrastination style is (there are six of them) and how to deal with it. Once you’re armed with this information, you’ll find it easier to defeat procrastination and get back on track. Learn about the different styles of procrastination and how to overcome them in this 21-page guide.

Simple Strategies to Increase Your Productivity
Are you one of the millions of people who simply want to find just a few more hours in their day to finish a task? What would you do with an extra hour … Sleep? Relax with friends? Or work more in your business? Whatever it is, learning simple strategies to become more productive is the aim of this 7-page report. And here’s a hint: being productive is not about doing more things faster; it’s about keeping your focus on what matters most.

A Disorganized Procrastinator's Guide to Time Management & Getting Organized
This 11-page guide is packed with practical advice on how to get organized in all aspects of life. It includes identifying your organization style, common reasons for procrastination, overcoming personal roadblocks, creating routines and good habits, and more.

FREE Coloring Book: Reduce Stress & Increase Joy
Do you like to color? Enjoy this collection of 19 inspirational coloring pages with positive themes. Print out the pages and color them in while you reduce stress and tap into your creativity.

FREE Mandala Coloring Book
There’s a very big trend in adult coloring books! Yep, it has become a popular creative and therapeutic outlet for adults. This coloring book includes 24 original mandala designs. Print out the pages and color them in while you reduce stress and tap into your creativity.

Banish Stress from Your Life
Are you living with too much stress? Do you have days that you feel so overwhelmed you don’t know what to do, or you feel so out-of-control that you just want to hide? Are you spending more time lying awake at night worrying than actually enjoying life? In this 10-page guide, you’ll learn some solid tips and techniques that will help you avoid stress, manage it, and embrace ways of finding peace…even when you are under stress.

Creating New Habits
You have that defining moment when you decide you’ve had enough! Your bad habits have become painful enough to you that you’re ready to make some drastic changes. Maybe you need to lose some weight, pay off some debts, or quit wasting valuable time surfing the net so you can manage your time more productively. This 16-page guide offers a four-part formula to help you create any new habits you desire, as well as tips to keep you motivated and accountable along the way. You’ll also learn how creating routines can support your priorities, simplify your life, and cut out a lot of daily stress.

12 Daily Habits to Improve Your Health and Well-being
What do you think of when you hear the word habit? Most people associate something negative with this word, such as smoking, overeating, or always being late. However, habits can also be positive ones. Once you identify and learn habits that are beneficial to you, you’ll live a happier, healthier and more productive life. Get your copy of this 9-page guide to learn 12 daily habits that will improve your health and well-being.

Cultivating Happiness
We all chase this elusive thing called happiness. Is happiness based on something “out there,” or is it based on how you act and behave throughout your day, your world, and your life? Most people wait for happiness to come to them rather than nurturing and growing it themselves. Happiness is something that needs your attention and devotion. If you want it, then you have to cultivate it. I’ll show you how in this 10-page guide.

Find Your Strengths and Choose Your Success
Everyone experiences various points in their life when it’s beneficial to assess your circumstances, values, priorities and options in order to determine which direction to go. Success requires some reflection about each choice and how it will affect you, not only today, but in the future. It’s beneficial to work from a place of strength rather than weakness, from a place of thoughtful response rather than a frantic reaction to an emergency. This 11-page guide will help you identify your strengths, hold onto your desire and passion, and create a plan to achieve your goals.

Living with Purpose
When you live your life with purpose, you plug into your core genius. It becomes much easier to make values-based decisions, clear the distractions, create a clear path, and accomplish your goals. Instead of living your life by default, you’ll make the most of each day and you’ll feel happier and more fulfilled. This 26-page guide will help you identify your values, passions and purpose.

Reclaim Your Power: How to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life & Business
Are you surrounding yourself with toxic people in your personal and/or professional life? Toxic people steal your joy, your time, and your energy. Learn why some people are toxic and the tactics they use to draw you in. In this 15-page guide, you’ll learn how to handle toxic people in your life and how to reclaim your power and heal from past toxic relationships.

What Does Your Money Blueprint Say About You?
Your attitude about money—known as your money blueprint— was formed early in life, based on experiences and lessons you learned from the adults around you. Unless you consciously choose to change your beliefs about money, they will remain the same throughout life. Even if you have experienced financial success, you may feel uncomfortable with your wealth if you grew up without money or with a belief that having money was bad or evil. This 10-page guide will help you understand your money blueprint, how it supports or undermines your goals, and how you can change it. Having a positive money blueprint is vital to having a healthy relationship with money in your life now.

Gratitude Journal
Gratitude is an emotion. It is also an awareness or recognition. When you express or feel gratitude, you’re acknowledging that there is good in your life, in you, in the world, and all around you. Feeling grateful changes how you feel inside. The simple emotion and expression of gratitude powerfully diminishes all the negativity we are bombarded with daily. This journal provides space for “100 things I am grateful for.” Each page suggests something for you to write about, which will help you to begin each day with a grateful heart.

7 Secrets to Fabulous Follow-up - FREE E-Book
People do business with people they know, like, trust, and REMEMBER. If you are not staying in touch on a regular basis with your existing customers and prospects, you will eventually be forgotten. You’ll learn secrets I’ve discovered over the years about how to effectively follow up, build relationships, and stay top-of-mind.
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51 Winning Website Traffic Ideas
You’ve created a website to share your knowledge and experience, and you’ve developed great content for it. Traffic trickles in, but you expected a lot more. Where are all the people and why aren’t they coming to the site? With millions of websites on the internet vying for your customer’s attention, you’ll need to use proven success strategies that will bring your ideal customers to your site. This 9-page guide provides you with 51 ideas you can start using today to help you attract pre-qualified visitors that can turn into leads, which can turn into buyers, then become repeat buyers, and ultimately turn into loyal customers.

Build Your Tribe: Sound Strategies for Building a Thriving Community
You’ve probably heard the expression, “the money is in the list”. This is common marketing knowledge. It’s a smart idea to build your mailing list, but you have to build it the right way or you may struggle to grow your brand and grow your business. In this 14-page guide, you’ll learn how to build a thriving community and what pitfalls to avoid.
Buy the bundle for just $18.95!
(70%+ savings over buying everything on this page individually)

Managing Priorities:
Tools & Tips to Help You Overcome Overwhelm and Keep First Things First!
Buried in Paper?
Get Organized for Maximum Productivity