The cold and grey winter months can magnify feelings of sadness, loneliness, depression, and disappointment. We all have days–sometimes even weeks—when we encounter these feelings. A bad day can begin with something really small and snowball from there. That snowball effect is created by your thoughts. Some people call it “self-fulfilling prophecy.” I’ll share nine tips to help you reverse the downward spiral so you can make a positive mental shift during these winter months … or any other time of year.
“Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission.” –Arnold Bennett
9 Tips (the first 3 are essential):
Choose different thoughts. Your thoughts create your circumstances. What thoughts are cluttering your mind and creating negative feelings? Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. Read aloud some affirmations–positive thoughts that reflect what you choose to attract into your life. For example, if your self-talk says, “I can’t ever do this right!” replace that with a new thought: “I am joyfully and effortlessly ____.”
- Examine your beliefs. You may have been raised with some beliefs that have been passed down from one generation to the next. Whatever you focus on expands. The question is, what beliefs does your mind focus on? How does this impact your ability to manifest your intentions for your life? Does it serve you to continue to hold on to certain beliefs you were raised with, or are you ready to adopt some different ones that better support and sustain you?Here’s an example: You may have been raised with the belief that “money is the root of all evil,” and that belief has held you back from doing something that will significantly increase your income. You could change your belief and recognize that money itself is not evil. When you sacrifice who you are being for the sake of having more, you get into trouble. You can choose to do good or evil with whatever money you have.
- Take 100% responsibility for your own life. In Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles, this is Principle #1. Here’s a powerful equation: E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome).
In order to change what comes after the equal sign—the sum–you must change a variable. We often cannot change the events that take place in our lives, but we can change our response to those events. By doing so, we can change the outcome. Examine your response to recent events. Is yours a victim response or are you taking 100% responsibility for your life? What different response can you choose that will yield a different outcome? In a recent blog, Ring in the New Year with Intention, I mentioned the difference between setting New Year’s Resolutions (goals) and having an intention. Understanding this distinction plays an important role in taking 100% responsibility for your own life and success.
- Clear the clutter or clean something. If you are at work: organize your desk, put things away, do some filing. If you are at home: take a shower, vacuum the floor, do the dishes. Taking these simple actions may help clear away some negative energy that is fueling your bad day.
- Move your body. One of the quickest ways to change your mental state is to move your body and get your blood pumping. Take a brisk walk or go to the gym and work out. Exercise enhances your ability to focus and alleviates stress, which will aid you in more effectively handling whatever situation is fueling your present state of mind.
- Smile. If you are alone, stand in front of a mirror for two minutes and smile. You’ll find that it’s hard to feel bad when you see a reflection of yourself smiling. If you are in a public place, decide that you will smile at everyone you encounter for the next 10 minutes. Making this physiological shift in your facial expression can also shift your mood.
- Express appreciation. Think of someone you appreciate and send them a thank you card. Write a heartfelt message about what you appreciate about them. This is a great daily habit to form, as it helps you to focus on what is good and positive in your life and moves you away from having a “pity party” for yourself. Beginning each day this way can set the tone for the rest of your day.
- Listen to some upbeat and inspiring music. This is one of the fastest ways to shift your mood. Even better, combine some of the other ideas above with this one. Imagine smiling, singing and dancing to your favorite music with the vacuum cleaner “dancing” around the floor with you! If you play a musical instrument, play an old favorite song that makes you feel happy.
- Ask for support. Reach out to people who care about you and ask for support when you need it. Just as physical wounds take time to heal, sometimes a prolonged down mood is an indication of something more profound that’s going on in your life. In this case, your heart may need time and space to mend.
Occasionally, the assistance of a professional, such as a life coach or a therapist, can be beneficial for navigating a path back to a healthy mental set point.
If you’d like a fresh perspective– someone to help you clarify what makes you happy—let’s schedule a no-cost, no-pressure Discovery Call today.
Additional Resources:
- Blog: Ring in the New Year with Intention
- Blog: Is Negativity Running Your Life?
- Blog: Manage Your Emotions
- Blog: Find Happiness and Success Will Follow – Part 1
- Blog: Find Happiness and Success Will Follow – Part 2
- Guide: Cultivating Happiness: Living Life on Your Terms
- Guide: Living with Purpose

Life Architect – Creating Blueprints for Purposeful & Productive Lives Follow me on Facebook
Thanks, Kathy! These are always great reminders. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Jane, Happy New Year to you, as well. I know it is summer in Australia, but even though it is not cold and grey there, these tips can help any time of the year!
Hi Kathy,
Your Blog on ‘Find Happiness and Success Will Follow’ is a timely one for me, as I’ve just done some certification courses of Positive Psychology and the content endorses exactly the aims of your blog. Great! Bryan
Thank you, Bryan. Glad the advice in my blog resonates with what you have been learning in your Positive Psychology courses.