Published by Kathy Paauw
Organizing & Productivity Consultant
Certified Business & Personal Coach

Paauwer Tools is a Monthly Ezine
November 2003
Issue 45
I Wish You Enough!

In this Issue

Not enough time?
True confessions...
Define what you want
Scarcity vs. Abundance (by Lynne Twist)
I Wish You Enough (by Bob Perks)
Getting ready for the holidays
November teleclasses

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."
- -Stephen Covey

Not enough time? The biggest complaint I hear from my clients, colleagues, friends, and family is that there just isn’t enough time in the day.  The second biggest complaint is not having enough money.   Why is it that some people seem to have enough time and money -- regardless of economic status -- to manage everything that is most important, and yet others never seem to have enough, no matter what their circumstances?

At various points in my life, I’ve been known to complain about not having enough time or money.  What I’ve come to realize is that I get what I focus on.  If I focus on not having enough – enough time, enough money, enough anything -- that’s what I get…not enough!  The truth is, I do have enough time and money for what matters most, if I choose to focus the resources I have on what’s most important. 

It helps me to remember this truth:  Every time I say yes to someone or something, I am, in fact, saying no to someone or something else.  Here’s a powerful question I ask myself regularly "What do I choose  to say "yes" to today?"  It's a simple question that has a profound impact on how I spend my time and money. 

Now it’s time for true confessions.  I hired someone to redesign my company website, and they completed their work in May of this year.  You have not seen my new website until today because I’ve been telling myself over the past six months that I didn't have enough time to work on the necessary revisions.  I complained to my coach about this for several months.  Of course, I had good excuses as to why I didn’t have time…I’ve had a full slate of clients, I had some out-of-town trips planned, and the list of excuses goes on.  But at some point, I got tired of saying NO to working on my website, and I decided to say YES to little pieces of it. 

Here’s how I got it done:

  • I followed my own advice.  (I often ask my clients, “How do you eat an elephant?...One bite at a time!")  I broke the work down into manageable bites that I could chew!
  • I asked for help.  I hired others to create some of the new sections you will find on my site.  I have delegated the work that I did not enjoy or was not good at doing to my Webmaster and my Business Coach.  (Thank you, Pat and Peggy!  You’re wonderful!!!)
  • I scheduled blocks of time to work on specific bites.  Then when others asked if I had free time to devote to something else, it was much easier to say no to things that were not on my list of priorities.
  • I have scheduled more time for self-care, which has given me more energy to devote to this monumental task.
  • I have continued my personal work as a recovering perfectionist.  I decided that my website did not have to be perfect or completely done before I shared it with others.  (Yes, you will find some sections that are still under construction.)

Are you ready to have an abundance of something in your life?  Are you ready to say YES to something that has been on the back burner?  Take note of what you are giving attention to right now.  Is that what you choose to focus on?  If not, ask yourself what you choose to focus on instead.  Then focus your thoughts, your words, and your actions on what you want more of in your life.

Ask yourself these questions to help you get clear about what you want:

  • How do you define success NOW? Are you at a different place in your life than where you were 5 or 10 years ago? Perhaps you’ve outgrown an old definition of success that you’ve been trying to live by. Write down how you define success today.
  • What do you need to let go of in order to attract more of what you want? You have a limited amount of energy and time available to invite new opportunities into your life. It may be time to let go of whatever is holding you back in order to free up time and energy for what you want more of. What are you ready to let go of?
  • What new systems do you need to have in place to eliminate the stress that may come with achieving greater levels of success? Can you automate repetitive processes, or organize and declutter so you can find important information with ease?
  •  What additional support will you need? What can you delegate so you have more time and energy to attract what you want more of?  Without someone else to handle the tasks you no longer enjoy or have time for, you'll have a tough time inviting more success.


  • How do you need to grow personally to handle the next level of success? Will your current level of self-esteem allow you to accept or create more abundance? Are you disciplined enough to pass up “good” opportunities for “great” ones? Can you get comfortable with disappointing others when their priorities are not aligned with yours and you need to say no? Do you need to get more organized in order to handle additional responsibilities?

Get ready to step outside of your comfort zone as you stretch and grow into your new levels of success! When you get clear about what you are committed to doing to make it happen, you will attract abundance in a way you never thought possible!

Scarcity vs. Abundance: In closing, I came across this quote several years ago and it has stuck with me ever since.  It’s about our relationship with scarcity and abundance in our lives…

"If we let go of what we're trying to get more of, which we really don't need, it frees up reserves of vitality to make a difference with what we have. When you make a difference with what you have, it expands. This applies to love, to time, to relationships -- and, of course, to money. If you sit down and make a difference with the money that you have, you will find that your experience of it expands, and you don't have that focus on scrambling to get more of what you don't really need -- which is what most of us are so busy doing that we don't even notice who we are and what we have. By contrast, the context of sufficiency is making a difference with who you are, what you have, and knowing that it's whole, complete, and exactly enough. It's perfection."
--Lynne Twist
For a short touching story, read I Wish You Enough, by Bob Perks.

Getting ready for the holidays?

Read Preparing for the Holidays:  Ho ho ho…or bah humbug!

Does your home feel more crowded and cluttered each year during this Season of Giving, as you bring more “stuff” home?  How about de-cluttering your space by donating items you no longer need to charity?  By doing so, you can receive a valuable tax deduction.  Click here to learn about a helpful tool I’ve personally used for the last 5 years which guarantees you will save at least $300 in taxes, or your money back.

Hear Kathy interviewed live on KKNW Radio

Click here to listen to a recording of Kathy’s live radio interviews


Tune in 1150 on your AM dial in the Seattle area on
November 19 from Noon-12:30 PM Pacific time


Kathy’s upcoming teleclass offerings in November:

Teleclasses are live, interactive training classes conducted over the telephone, using a telephone "bridge" line -- a telephone line that allows groups of 2 or more people to be on the line at the same time. You can call from the comfort of your home or office while eliminating travel time and expenses.

Buried in Paper?
Learn a simple 3 step process to help you
eliminate paper pile-up forever.

What are your piles of paper costing you?  Peace of mind?  Missed opportunities?  Late payment fees?  Time to do what you care about most? This teleclass will teach you how to handle mail and other paper as it comes into your home or office.  You’ll learn a system that will remind you of important follow-up.

Click here for more information on this FREE teleclass.


Find Anything in 5 Seconds
Learn about a revolutionary way to file and instantly retrieve paper.

You'll receive a free trial download of The Paper Tiger and get a hands-on "tour" through the inner workings of this remarkable software (no scanning required).  Here's your opportunity to decide if this is the right system for your needs -- try before you buy!

Click here for more information on this FREE teleclass.


Taming Your Paper Tiger
Has your Paper Tiger software turned into shelfware?
I’ll provide the motivation & training to get you started.
You'll learn how to use The Paper Tiger in just 60 minutes.

Click here for more information on this teleclass.

Our Mission
We help individuals committed to moving their lives forward in powerful ways
by decluttering their schedules, spaces, and minds.

Table of Contents for Past Issues

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This article is by Kathy Paauw of Paauwerfully Organized. Kathy's web site is a comprehensive resource devoted to helping busy professionals and small business owners de-clutter their schedules, spaces, and minds so they can focus on what's most important. Kathy is an organizing & productivity consultant, certified business & personal coach, and speaker. Contact her at . For free resources and valuable productivity tools visit .

E-mail your comments, questions, and suggestions for future newsletter content to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Warm regards,

Kathy Paauw, Paauwerfully Organized

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