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Scarcity or Abundance … Where’s Your Focus for the Coming Year?
"Until you value yourself, you won't value your time.
The biggest complaint I hear these days is that there just isn’t enough time in the day. I hear this even more often than I hear people complain about not having enough money! Why is it that some people seem to have enough time and money -- regardless of economic status -- to manage everything that is most important, and yet others never seem to have enough, no matter what their circumstances? Scarcity is not the issue. With time, we all get 168 hours per week. What makes the difference is how we prioritize the use of our resources. At various points in my life, I’ve been known to complain about not having enough time or money. What I’ve come to realize is that I get what I focus on. (Click here to read more about how this works.) If I focus on not having enough – enough time, enough money, enough anything -- that’s what I get…not enough! The truth is, I do have enough time and money for what matters most, if I choose to focus the resources I have on what’s most important. Remind yourself of this truth: Every time you say YES to someone or something, you are saying NO to someone or something else. Here’s a powerful question to ask yourself regularly: "What do I choose to say YES to today?" It's a simple question that will have a profound impact on how you spend your time and money. Now for true confessions … In 2005 I did not make much time for exercise. Of course, I had good excuses as to why I didn’t have time…I had a full slate of clients, I was out of town a lot, I had some major family events that needed attention, and the list of excuses goes on. The truth is, I did not make exercise a priority.
Are you ready to have an abundance of something in your life? Are you ready to say YES to something that has been on the back burner? Take note of what you are giving attention to right now. Is that what you choose to focus on? If not, what do you choose to focus on instead? A 2004 Rubbermaid study found that the top three New Year's resolutions are to lose weight, save money, and get organized. By the third week in January most people already feel defeated and give up. A key reason why many fail -- they do not have specific actions built into their schedule! Focus your thoughts, your words, and your actions on what you choose to have MORE of in your life, and you will be amazed at the results. In other words, identify how you choose to enhance your life vs. what's broken and needs fixing . One of the best ways to do this is to get clear about your intentions and then plan time to follow through with the action steps you've identified. I call these choices (some call them goals) and actions. Here's an example... If I say I want to lose weight, I am focused on what I don't want -- excess weight. If I say I choose to have vibrant health, then I can identify action steps to support my choice.
Ask yourself these questions to help you get clear about what you choose:
Get ready to step outside of your comfort zone as you stretch and grow into your new levels of success! When you get clear about what you are committed to doing to make it happen, you will attract abundance in a way you never thought possible! In closing, I came across this quote several years ago and it has stuck with me ever since. It’s about our relationship with scarcity and abundance in our lives…