Each chapter of the book has some suggested Freedom Challenges that are designed to help you clarify, create, and support your path to freedom so you can live the life of your dreams and help others do the same.

These exercises are intended only for those who have had the experience of reading my book first. Many of the exercises will not make sense to someone who has not yet read it. Please invite others to purchase my book from the link above and read it before accessing the Freedom Challenges.

To maximize your learning, review the list of Freedom Challenges below and decide which ones you will complete now. Then put a note in your calendar to revisit these exercises a year from now. As you do more personal development work and grow as a professional in your business, your needs and responses will change. Downloading the Freedom Challenges from the website (password is on page 155 of the book) will provide you with a clean copy to work from if you choose to complete these exercises each year.

If you prefer to type your responses, simply save the document to your desktop first.  You can delete from your copy any of the Freedom Challenges you do not choose to complete, then type in your response to the ones you choose.  Select “Save As” after you have entered your responses.  I suggest you include the date in your document title.  For example:  Freedom Challenges 9 20 11.

Chapter 1: Why Network Marketing? (Page 25)
  • Create a realistic budget for your business expenses.
  • Create a household budget and determine if you need a job to support you while growing your business.
  • Devise a plan to eliminate debt.
  • Devise a plan to put six months of savings away for you and your dependents to live off if needed.
Chapter 2: What is Your Intention? (Page 33)
  • List fifty things you want to do, be, or have.
  • Describe your perfect average day.
Chapter 3: Are You a Human Being or a Human Doing? (Page 39)
  • Assess your work/life balance.
  • If you are not currently living the life of your dreams, which of the five reasons do you most relate to?
  • Define freedom for yourself.
Chapter 4: Affirmations—Lyrics to the Music of Your Heart (Page 45)
  • Create your “I am . . .” statements and the why behind each one.
  • Create a vision board that depicts exactly what you choose to attract into your life. Look at it daily.
Chapter 5: The Nine environments of You (Page 57)
  • Color in the wedges on the wheel to convey your level of satisfaction with each environment.
  • Identify upgrades desired for each environment.
  • Identify actions to be taken by when for each environment.
Chapter 6: Put First Things First (Page 99)
  • Identify your top 20 percent activities that will yield 80 percent of the results you desire in five areas of your life.
  • Block out your Pareto time in your calendar and honor that time by focusing on your top 20 percent activities.
  • Identify what provides the greatest obstacle to putting your first things first.
Chapter 7: Urgency vs. Importance (Page 103)
  • Create your own time management matrix and list your activities in each quadrant.
  • Determine which activities you will say yes to and which you will say no to.
Chapter 8: Weekly Planning (Page 109)
  • Schedule a standing appointment with yourself for weekly planning.
  • Complete all six steps of the weekly planning process provided.
  • Identify an intention and set a minimum, target, and outrageous goal for it.
  • Identify the top 2 mindset habits that need to be improved upon.
Chapter 9: The Fortune Is in the Follow-up (Page 117)
  • If you do not have a contact management system set up, select one and begin using it.
  • If you are using an electronic contact management system, create groups.
  • Add notes to your contact records.
  • Add follow-up reminders to your calendar.
  • Set up a reminder system to check your team reports to see who is sparking and give them a call.
Chapter 10: Managing Paper and Information (Page 124)
  • Set up an effective system to help you process paper and information as it comes into your life.
  • Participate in Kathy Paauw’s free Buried in Paper webinar.
  • Define what’s cluttering up your life.
Chapter 11: Accountability Partnerships (Page 130)
  • Select an accountability partner.
  • Review the accountability check-in process and tips for best results.
  • Report to your partner daily.
  • Identify your SMART goals for the next ninety days in the areas of happiness, health, and wealth. Share these with your accountability partner.
Chapter 12: Let Go of Your attachment to the Outcome (Page 136)
  • Determine how you are “attached” to the outcome of intentions that are important to you.
  • Identify a situation where you have an attachment to the outcome and a response (action, thought, etc.) that will help you let go of your attachment to the outcome.
  • Answer the questions related to the five laws of stratospheric success.
  • If you are not “reaping the harvest” you desire, which part of the process needs more attention?
Chapter 13: Who Owns the Problem? (Page 144)
  • Identify situations where you currently “own” a problem that really belongs to someone else. What will you do (or not do) in order to allow the other person to own their problem?
  • Identify ways to expand your circle of influence while shrinking your circle of concern.
Chapter 14: Network Marketing Provides a Clear Path to Freedom (Page 151)
  • Identify three things you learned from reading this book and what actions you will take to put your new learning into practice.
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