Gratitude is at the core of any effective marketing plan. Noticing all that you have to be grateful for–and regularly writing thank-you notes to those you appreciate–are cornerstones of prosperity.
When you think of what you are grateful for in your business, you probably think of someone who has made you feel good or who has helped your business to prosper. But what if you were to take time to feel grateful for those in your life who have caused you the most grief or pain in your business?
Here’s an assignment. I’ll warn you that it may not be easy, but it will be well worth doing.
Make two lists. On one, name three people who have caused you the most grief and pain in your business. On the second, name three people who have brought you the greatest joy and prosperity in your business. Every day for the next six days, write a thank you note to one of these six people and send it.
It will be easy to say what you are grateful for when you write the three people who have brought you joy and prosperity. And if you only do this part of the assignment, you will experience more optimism and joy because you have taken the time to notice who and what you appreciate. That which you focus on expands! This will elevate you and your business, as well as those around you. It will also elevate the person who receives your thank you note.
“The deepest principle in human nature
is the craving to be appreciated.”
~ William James
When you begin writing the notes of gratitude to the three people who have brought you grief and pain, you may uncover insights that will open the door to new opportunities for success. While you may choose not to send these notes, by writing what you appreciated about the experience or situation, you will deepen your learning. In doing so, you can radically alter the way these experiences influence your business in the future. What gifts did you receive from living through these unpleasant experiences? There is always a gift, and you may need to dig deep to find it!
You may be wondering how you could possibly find something to be thankful for when a relationship or experience has caused you so much grief, and perhaps even damaged your bottom line or your reputation. You cannot afford to have a loss, disappointment or failure that you do not learn from. Once you have mined the learning treasures from an unpleasant experience, you will find something for which you can be truly grateful.
You don’t have to look far to find many examples of famous people who were once told that they would never amount to anything. Imagine what a blow it was to Michael Jordan when his coach kicked him off his high school basketball team. Instead of allowing that experience to define him, he went on to become one of the best basketball players of all time.
Many famous individuals could have listened to their teachers, coaches, critics, bosses or parents and given up. Instead, they took those unpleasant experiences and turned them into a gift that propelled them forward to do great things. You may find inspiration in reading about 50 Famously Successful People Who Failed at First.
If you are struggling to overcome something challenging or painful from your past, let’s schedule a no-cost discovery call. I look forward to helping you find ways to turn a challenge or disappointment into something positive.

Life Architect – Creating Blueprints for Purposeful & Productive Lives Follow me on Facebook