In Life Management, Managing Priorities, Marketing, Relationship Building, Time Management

“Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you
need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to
do the things you want to do when you want to do them!”
—Zig Ziglar

June is National Rebuild Your Life Month. If you are a business owner or an independent professional, allow me to share some ideas that can help you rebuild your life by examining the way you are building your business.

Several years ago I received a phone call from someone who had not experienced the success she was hoping for with her business. She asked me what my secret was to success. Here’s what I shared with her…

Building a business is like working on a farm. Here are the steps required:

  1. You begin with fertile soilIf the soil is not rich in nutrients, the plants will not flourish. In business, the nutrients are represented by the foundation work necessary to launch a successful business. You add nutrients to the soil by doing your own personal development work and by building relationships.
  2. Next you plant the seeds. You invite people to look at what you have to offer, and then you present it to them. These are two separate steps. Some people try to cut corners and combine the two, and that generally does not work. Keep the invitation and the presentation separate. Whether your offer is a product or a service, it’s really annoying to present your offer to someone who is not interested or ready to hear about do not present it unless invited to do so.
  3. You fertilize and water the seeds regularly, even before you can see the sprouts pop through the surface of the ground. This is part of a follow-up process that is usually necessary since many people don’t make an immediate decision when buying products or services. Follow-up is one of the weakest tasks for many business professionals. Some plants grow very rapidly, and others take time to germinate. Did you know that if certain plant species do not lie dormant during the winter months, the plant begins to die? Some of your prospects will lie dormant (timing is everything), and if you do not follow up when they’re ready to “sprout,” you will probably miss out on some incredible business opportunities.
  4. Sometimes weeding is necessary so the unproductive growth does not crowd out the plants you want to keep. In business, we call this sorting. Sorting becomes important, because not everyone will be a good fit for the product or service you offer. You sort the prospects who express interest from those who do not. You also sort those whom you like and trust from those you do not choose to do business with. You do your best not to apply fertilizer on the weeds. Occasionally, you have difficulty deciphering the difference between a weed and a plant, and you may unintentionally fertilize a weed for a while.
  5. Eventually you reap the harvest. You begin working with a new customer and doing whatever is necessary to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
  6. The life cycle starts over as you take the seeds from a new plant and place them in the ground, preferably in fertile soilGetting referrals from happy customers is key!  To receive referrals, it’s important to stay in touch and continue building the relationship after the business transaction is complete.

In order to enjoy a successful harvest, you must consistently duplicate specific activities—such as the ones listed above–that will bring desired results over time, and you must also let go of your attachment to the outcome.

As on a farm, you cannot fertilize and water the plants when you feel like it…putting off these tasks when you are not in the mood to do them. Doing the above activities consistently will yield a bountiful harvest if you have something of value to offer.

You also cannot have an attachment to how much time it will take to see the fruits of your labor, or which seeds in the ground will yield a great harvest. Nature does not take shortcuts, and it does not provide instant results. Do your best to consistently fertilize and water your crop, and then allow nature to take its course.

As you think of the steps mentioned above, consider where you need to let go of your attachment to the outcome.

If your business is not growing, go back to step one—beginning with fertile soil–and look at the foundation upon which you are building your business. You can never do too much personal development work or build too many quality relationships!

If you’d like support in building your business, let’s schedule a NO-COST, NO-PRESSURE Discovery Call to determine your next steps.

Did you like this article, What Business Owners Can Learn from a Farmer? Which of the steps above need attention in your business right now? Please comment below.

Life Architect – Creating Blueprints for Purposeful & Productive Lives

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